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Pheasant shooting

In the UK, the pheasant shooting season runs from October 1st to February 1st. The diverse locations and exceptional quality of sport have attracted sportsmen from around the globe to experience the finest driven pheasant shooting. The UK is celebrated for its ability to present high and swift-flying pheasants, setting it apart from anywhere else in the world. We offer driven days extensively across the South West, West Midlands, and Wales.


The introduction of pheasants to Britain has long been a topic of debate, with the most common belief being that they were brought by the Romans and bred solely for culinary purposes. Although there are references to hunting pheasants throughout medieval England, shooting for sport only gained popularity in the late 18th century. During this pre-war golden age, hunters swiftly transitioned from the traditional walked-up method of shooting to the more continental style of driven birds.


The species rapidly surpassed our native grey partridge as the most commonly hunted game bird and became the primary target for game shooters. Pheasant shooting is an accessible sport enjoyed by many people from various backgrounds, providing significant environmental benefits and contributing significantly to local economies. Pheasants now form the backbone of the game shooting season, accounting for approximately 55% of game shot in the UK.

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